Below are five gardening tasks to complete around your Lake Martin home this spring and as always, if you have questions about what other steps to take before listing your home, you can count on the Haynie Team to be your guide!
1. Survey the Yard
Take stock of your yard and be sure to look up to recognize the state of the trees as well. Decide if any limbs should be removed, and farther down, cut off last year’s perennial foliage and add to your compost pile. On the ground level, rake mulch from beds, check fences and pathways for necessary repairs.
2. Fill in Gaps
Once you’ve taken a good look around the yard or garden, you will likely notice a few gaps or parts of the area that feel bare. Perennials, trees, and shrubs can be planted this spring to fill in gaps.
3. Prepare New Beds
If your home on Lake Martin doesn’t currently have garden beds, you can prepare new beds by aerating the soil and adding compost. Remove weeds and debris and be sure to rake the bed smooth before planting.
4. Fertilize
As your garden begins to spring back to life this season, it will need a little jumpstart. Apply a balanced fertilizer around trees and shrubs when new growth appears and a fertilizer higher in acid, or mulch, around some flowers like azaleas or citrus.
5. Add Charm
Once all of your gardening tasks are completed around your Lake Martin home, it’s time to add a few charming accents like bird baths or bird feeders. If you already have some, be sure to give them a good cleaning to make sure your yard looks inviting.
Give the Haynie Team a call today for more information about preparing your Lake Martin home for sale or to find your home value in today’s busy real estate market!
Becky Haynie, Associate Broker / Realtor
Lake Martin Realty