Home on Lake Martin

Baby…it is cold outside!

Winter has blown in at Lake Martin.   It is the perfect time to sit in front of the fireplace and be thankful for the modern conveniences that allow us to have warmth is a variety of forms — gas logs, Heat Pumps, electric blankets, and more.  If you own property at the lake (or anywhere), it is time to make sure you have prepared yourself for wintertime by covering outdoor faucets, winterizing watercraft, etc.  Contact your landscaper, local marina, etc. if you have questions or desire assistance with these tasks.

The real estate market is not experiencing the winter chill; however, the market cannot be compared to the sizzling HOT summer days either.  Sellers that have realistic expectations based on the current market are, generally, seeing activity.  Buyers that have educated themselves and are looking for an opportunity to buy in a favorable market offering favorable interest rates are out there.

If you are looking to buy or sell Lake Martin property, contact the Haynie team for assistance.  Sellers — we will be glad to provide you with a no-obligation market analysis of your property and a marketing plan to assist you in meeting your goals.  Buyers — we will be glad to assist you in your search for the perfect property to suit you needs, wants and desires.

Stay warm wherever you are!