Home on Lake Martin

Whether you’re buying, selling or both in the Lake Martin real estate market this winter or spring, you’ve got a move ahead of you! As your Lake Martin real estate team, we’re here to fill you in on some moving tips that could not only make your move run smoother, but also save you money.

1.  Plan ahead. Way ahead. Once you sell your home, or let your landlord know you’re moving out, you could have as little as 30 days to plan your whole move and pack up. So, if you know you’ll be moving in the near future, start early by going through your stuff, decluttering, and donating or selling belongings you no longer need or want. Pack items early that you know you won’t need until after the move.

2.  Contact a moving company. Research moving companies so that you have time to read reviews and choose a highly recommended company rather than a last-minute option. If they ask for an estimate on the weight of your belongings, or how much space they’ll take up in the truck, ask them to send a rep out to do an in-house estimate. This will be cheaper than paying an overage fee if you underestimate.

3.  Purchase third-party insurance. Moving companies are required to offer minimum insurance coverage, but this is often paid per pound, which means a brand-new TV dropped and broken could yield as little as $20 if it doesn’t weigh much. Third-party insurance will cover actual replacement value if any items are damaged during the move.

4.  Pack valuables separately. You may have heard that you should hide valuables in plain sight, like an expensive set of diamond earrings with a box of coats and books. Experts suggest otherwise. They say that you should either pack them with you in your car, or if that isn’t possible, hire a specialized art-and-antique moving company that works with only high-end items.

5.  Back up your electronics. You can take all the precautions in the world, but bumpy rides or extreme temperatures could wreak havoc on your electronics. Before a move, it’s wise to take the time to back up everything on your computers onto drives or the cloud before unplugging and packing.

6.  Schedule moving day ahead of time. This isn’t always possible, especially if waiting until the sale of your house, or the closing on your new house, but the sooner you can schedule, the better. Moving companies have packed schedules, and they charge more during the summer, weekends, holidays, first and last days of the month, etc. By scheduling early, you can score a better deal.

For more ways to save money on your move, check out these tips from MSN Money. When ready to buy and/or sell in the Lake Martin real estate market, contact us, the Haynie Team! We’re here and ready to answer all of your questions and to help you achieve your real estate goals this winter or spring!

Becky Haynie, Associate Broker / Realtor
Lake Martin Realty