Home on Lake Martin

3 Mortgage Myths to Correct Before Buying a Lake Martin Home

A hand holds a house-shaped keychain above a stack of $100 bills against a green background, capturing the dream of owning a lakeside property at Lake Martin.

Did you know misconceptions and myths are what holds would-be homebuyers back most in Alabama? Buying a home is indeed one of the biggest steps you will ever take, but don’t allow what you assume is true or required to become fact without first doing the research.

As your local real estate experts on Lake Martin, The Haynie Team is happy to help you clear a few things up! Below are three myths surrounding mortgages that may be keeping you from purchasing your dream home in Alabama:

Myth: Your best credit scores will be used

When you apply jointly with another borrower for a mortgage in Alabama, your lender will take the middle of three credit scores from the three credit reporting bureaus, then use the lowest score between the two borrower’s middle scores. For instance, if your middle score was 780, but your co-borrower’s middle score was 700, many lenders’ decisions would be based on the 700.

Myth: Your quoted rate is the one you’ll secure

We’ve emphasized the importance of shopping around for a mortgage rate in the past, but it is important to note that your quoted rate is not necessarily the one you will secure. Unless you are locking in the rate that day, the rate quotes are subject to change. You will find you need to gather quotes throughout your home buying journey until you’ve found the right property and are ready to lock down a rate.

Myth: Fixed-rate mortgages are the only option

While 30-year fixed-rate loans are common among homebuyers, they are not the only option and may not be the right option for you. The rate and payment with a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage will never change, but keep in mind that the longer the loan is stretched, the higher the rate. Ask yourself how long you will stay in the home you’re planning to purchase as an adjustable-rate mortgage could be a better fit.

Do not hesitate to contact The Haynie Team with any questions about buying a home on Lake Martin!

Becky Haynie, Associate Broker / Realtor
Lake Martin Realty

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